b o o k s

Benjamin, Walter (2010) Constelaciones. Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid 
Berger, John (1991) About Looking.Vintage International, New York
Berger, John (1984) and our faces, my heart, brief as photos. Bloomsbury, London
Berger, John (2001) The Shape of a Pocket. Bloomsbury, London
Blake, William (2006) (trans. Manuel Portela) Visões Memoráveis. Antígona, Lisboa
Burrows, Jonathan (2010) A Choreographer’s Handbook. Routledge, Abingdon
Debord, Guy (1995) Panegírico Antígona, Lisboa
Derrida, Jacques (1994) The Politics of Friendship. Verso, London
Goat Island School Book 2 Chicago
Huynh, Emmanuelle & Brown, Trisha (2012) Histoire(s) et Lectures : Trisha Brown / Emmanuelle Huynh 1992 – 2012 Le Pressess du reel – CNDC, Angers
Kaprow, Allan (1993) (ed. Jeff Kelly) Essays on the Blurring of Art and Life. University of California Press, Berkley.
Matthews, Harry & Brotchie, Alasitair (eds.) (1998) OuLiPo Conpendium Atlas, London
Obrist, Hans Ulrich (2009) Entrevistas. Cobogo, Rio De Janeiro
Perec, Georges (2008) Life: a user’s manual. Vintage, London
Rimbaud, Jean-Arthur (2007) trans. (Mário Cesariny) Iluminações uma cerveja no inferno. Assírio & Alvim, Lisboa
Stuart, Meg (2010) (ed.Jeroen Peeters) Are we here yet? Les Presses du réel, Dijion

Thévoz, Michel (2001) Collection de l’art Brut Lausanne. BNP Paribas Suisses, Genéve
Theys, Hans (2007) Ann Veronica Janssens. DuMont, Köln
Viola, Bill (1995) Reasons for Knocking at an Empty House: writings 1973 – 1994. Thames & Hudson, London
Wordsworth, William (2004) Selected Poems. Penguin, London

j o u r n a l s

Abstrakt No.9 2012: The Big Community; thoughts on the solidarity of tomorrow. W.I.R.E., Zurich
Frakcia Summer 2010 No.55 Curating Performing Arts Academy of Dramatic Art, Zagreb
F.R.David Summer 2010: With Love, de Appel Amsterdam
F.R.David Spring 2012: This is not new of course, deAppel, Amsterdam

m o v i e s

Akers Matther (2013) Marina Abramovic. The Artist is Present
Bendjelloul, Malik (2012) Searching for Sugar Man
Bresson, Robert (1962) Pickpocket 
Bloom, David (2012) Quintet
Costa, Pedro (2000) No Quarto da Vanda
Herzog, Werner (2006) Grizzly Man
Monteiro, João César (1989) Recordações da casa amarela, Recollections of the Yellow House
Monteiro, João César (1998) As Bodas de Deus, The Spousals of God