on time

1_When it comes to time, relax, it is passing anyway.
2_Time can be folded and unfolded just like a joint.
3_We always dream about a moment when we will do all the actions that we didn't have time for; most of the time we’ll never catch this moment. 
4_Always remember what Proust did with time. choose. don't be automatic. and in performances - try to delete awareness of time. forget the "rules" of right timimg.
5_Time is a four letter word
6_There's no time. Its concept is just an illusion. This word could be replaced by season.
7_I open my eyes. The world is paced by the beat of my eyelids. To weigh time, dig in boredom.
8_Each one's time is different than the others'.
9_Time is an idea, a thought.
10_Timezone is a funny topic to start a conversation with a stranger. 
11_Stretch it as much as you can. Make\invent practices related to time - Saving, Stretching.
12_If you give things time maybe you can understand them better.
13_Time is objective and precise. to loose time maybe is to find something else. take one minute to get lost.
14_Taking time is about installing one self in a lasting instantaneity.
15_Work with time the way you want to: suspend, compress, dilate, forget about it.
16_Think of your body as a time capsule where you contain all the data of what's happened before you, what's happening now and what will happen in the future.
17_There are no professionals in time business. Maybe prisoners for life.
18_Time is duration passing.
19_The idea of deadline should be subverted. To give away your time; This time should be given back even when the application is not accepted.
20_A permanent intimate negociation between ellaboration and forgetfulness.
21_There's not enough time for what you like and more than enough time for the things you don't like. To smoke a cigarette takes 3 minutes.
22_Time is all the gaps in between all the things that take place, and all the things that take place - a sequence and simultainety of fragments.
23_Almost all of the modern devices have timers.
24_Don't be a slave of your time. Play with it. Mix it. Mix yesterday with tomorrow. Manipulate your mind.
25_"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once" (AlbertEinstein)
26_Sense of time, be ready for what is there so what comes next becomes ready whenever it arrives.
27_Time has no beginning and no end.
28_The perception of time from a performer (on stage) is a totally different perception from one person in the audience, even so, both are sharing the same time-space.
29_Time of the last day is the shortest.
30_There is a Body. And then the Body is gone. That's the only meaning of time - disapearing.*Imagine that Time is a name of your friend. He is cute, always holding your hand and carrying your history.
31_Time goes by so slowly, so slowly.
32_It's a construction and a structure, but its shape has no form. time takes place within the occupation.
33_Time: still to be considered independently to one own's continuity and finitude. Maybe as a stem cell, with an unlimited potential of transformation and regeneration.